Details from over 50,000 ranked games of LoL LicenseCC0: Public Domain Tagsinternet, video games General Info This is a collection of […]

Basic NFL statistics, career statistics, and game logs Tagscomputer science, programming, sports NFL-Statistics-Scrape Here are the basic statistics, career statistics and game […]

Detecting hatred tweets, provided by Analytics Vidhya Tagssocial networks, classification, email and messaging, text mining Context The objective of this task is to […]

Classify handwritten characters in ancient Japanese manuscripts LicenseCC BY-SA 4.0 Tagscomputer science, image data, classification, literature, multiclass classificationand 2 more Background Recorded historical documents give us […]

Dataset of diseased plant leaf images and corresponding labels LicenseCC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Tagsbusiness, earth and nature, biology, diseases, plants Human society needs to increase […]

5 years and 200k building permits LicenseDatabase: Open Database, Contents: Database Contents Tagsbusiness, tabular data Background A building permit is an […]