Python Questions from Stack Overflow

  • by user1
  • 04 March, 2022

Full text of Stack Overflow Q&A about the Python programming language

LicenseOther (specified in description)

Tagscomputer scienceinternetprogramming


Full text of all questions and answers from Stack Overflow that are tagged with the python tag. Useful for natural language processing and community analysis. See also the dataset of R questions.


This dataset is organized as three tables:

  • Questions contains the title, body, creation date, score, and owner ID for each Python question.
  • Answers contains the body, creation date, score, and owner ID for each of the answers to these questions. The ParentId column links back to the Questions table.
  • Tags contains the tags on each question besides the Python tag.

Questions may be deleted by the user who posted them. They can also be closed by community vote, if the question is deemed off-topic for instance. Such questions are not included in this dataset.

The dataset contains questions all questions asked between August 2, 2008 and Ocotober 19, 2016.


All Stack Overflow user contributions are licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 with attribution required.

Size: 571347 KB Price: Free Author: Stack Overflow Data source: