Fast Food Restaurants Across America

  • by user1
  • 05 March, 2022

A list of 10,000 restaurants and their locations.

LicenseCC BY-NC-SA 4.0



This is a list of over 10,000 fast food restaurants provided by Datafiniti’s Business Database. The dataset includes the restaurant’s address, city, latitude and longitude coordinates, name, and more.

Note that this is a sample of a large dataset. The full dataset is available through Datafiniti.

What You Can Do with This Data

You can use this data to rank cities with the most and least fast food restaurants across the U.S.. E.g.:

  • Cities with the most and least McDonald’s per capita
  • Fast food restaurants per capita for all states
  • Fast food restaurants with the most locations nationally
  • Major cities with the most and least fast food restaurants per capita
  • Small cities with the most fast food restaurants per capita
  • States with the most and least fast food restaurants per capita
  • The number of fast food restaurants per capita

Data Schema

A full schema for the data is available in our support documentation.

About Datafiniti

Datafiniti provides instant access to web data. We compile data from thousands of websites to create standardized databases of business, product, and property information. Learn more.

Interested in the Full Dataset?

You can access the full dataset by running the following query with Datafiniti’s Business API.

{ "query": "dateUpdated:[2018-04-01 TO *] AND categories:\"Fast Food\" AND country:US* AND name:*", "format": "csv", "download": true }

*The total number of results may vary.

Get this data and more by creating a free Datafiniti account or requesting a demo.

Size: 3949 KB Price: Free Author: Datafiniti Data source: